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Conversion UtilitiesUTF8 En-/Decode + 1617The utility allows you to en- and decode to and from UTF8Not available
Conversion UtilitiesUnix Timestamp Converter + 1303This utility helps you convert data between human understandable time and unix-timeNot available
Conversion UtilitiesBase64 En-/Decode + 1194This utility lets you convert any string to and from Base64 encodingNot available
Conversion UtilitiesFuel Consumption Converter + 970This tool lets you convert european liters/100km measure into the UK miles/gallon measure and vice versaNot available
MiscellaneousLorem Ipsum + 950Some large text blobs for testingNot available
How-To'sErdbeer-/Pfefferminz Sorbet + 846Not available
Lookup InfoPHP - date() Format parms + 692The list of the parms available in date()Not available
MiscellaneousWinSCP cli options + 665Commandline options for the WinSCP filetransfer utilityNot available
How-To'sBash - CheatSheet + 622A quick reference card for bash commands and argsNot available
Lookup InfoWin 11 Keyboard Shortcuts + 407as found on https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/windows-11-keyboard-shortcuts/Not available
How-To'sWindows Defender fix + 400Resolving "you need an app to open this windowsdefender link"Not available
How-To'srsync Cheat Sheet + 301shows common options for using rsyncNot available
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