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This page explains how to use this intranet site and what you can or what you cannot do.
Index:The goal of this intranet site is to have a start up page in the browser that gives you quickest access to commonly used websites and searches as well as utilities used internally. Page load time for this tool is critical, hence the entire thing is entirely text based with no images (apart from the "favicon"-s used for the links. (not to mention the nerdy look of a page with done entirely in Courier font)
It offers you the following:
By default, there are a bunch of links, searches and pages already in the system, accessible to everyone, meaning, people logged in and not logged in. Upon logging in (after creating an account) a user can then add their own links, searches and pages (which are available to them only).
NOTE: an option to create public content is on the road map
Then, when using the links, searches or pages, their hit counters increase, moving these items higher to the top and thus making the most commonly used items more easily accessible.
Links can be used by clicking on them on either the home page or clicking "view" on the links page.
To create a new link, you have to be logged in. When logged in, there'll be a "add" link next to the "Links" heading on either the home page or the "links" page (see the tab). To add, you have to fill in a few fields which are described further below.
To edit a link, the link has to be created by yourself. In order to edit, navigate to the links section (using the tab) and then click "edit" in the line of your link.
Here's a list of the fields and what they're for (* means required):
Searches can be used from the home page by typing text into the text box and then pressing the button that corresponds to the search provider that you want to use. I.e. to search google for "Pamela Anderson" you'd type "Pamela Anderson" into the text box and click the "Google" button. Alternatively, you can go to the Searches section using the tabs where you find text boxes for each search that exists.
To create a new search, you have to be logged in. When logged in, there'll be a "add" link next to the "Searches" heading on either the home page or the "Searches" page (see the tab). To add, you have to fill in a few fields which are described further below.
To edit a search, the search has to be created by yourself. In order to edit, navigate to the searches section (using the tab) and then click "edit" in the line of your search.
Below is a list of fields that you have to fill in when editing or adding searches, required fields are marked with a *:
To find out what the "Search Field Name" and the "Hidden Parms" are called, simply go to your desired search provider, in this example google and perform a search. When you run a search on google for the text "testing123", you will be redirected to the search results page.
On that search results page, you can see the URL having all the parameters as :
The "action" here is highlighted red.
The "Search Field Name" is highlighted in green, as the "testing123" bit that you've searched for is the value of the "q" parameter, so the "Search Field Name" would be "q" in this case.
The rest of the URL (in blue) would be what forms your "Hidden Parms" (which in case of google don't matter too much and are optional) - however, when creating/editing a search you have to specify them differently:
Meaning, you don't put in the ? and all of the & characters will need to become commas.
To create or edit a page, you have to be logged in. You can only edit pages that you have created yourself.
To create a page, you can click the "Add" link next to the pages heading on either the home page or the "pages" page (see tabs)
To edit a page, you have to go to the "pages" page (tabs) and click the "Edit" link next to the page that you want to edit.
Below is a list of fields that you have to specify when creating pages, required fields are marked with a *:
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